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Sinisa Franjic

Sinisa Franjic

"Independent researcher, Europe"


Sinisa Franjic graduated from the Faculty of Law. The thesis entitled "Legal aspects of information systems" was defended by Summa Cum Laude. Since 1992., he work as a journalist - freelance contributor. Until today, he wrote nine books, one chapter in the book, two scripts, and over 450 scientific papers. The successful defense of the doctoral dissertation on the topic of criminal law called "The Criminal Justice and Forensic Aspects of Computer Criminality", he received a Ph.D. degree in the area of Criminal law and Criminalistics/Forensics.

Research Interest

ï‚· Medical law ï‚· Health law ï‚· Computer criminality ï‚· Criminalistics ï‚· Forensics ï‚· Criminal law ï‚· Criminal procedure ï‚· Copyright law ï‚· Energy law ï‚· Environmental law ï‚· Telecommunication law ï‚· Trade law